

                                              BCA 1ST SEMESTER NOTES- UNIT WISE                                                                                                         UNIT-1                                                                                                                                                                                      TOPICS-                  1. GENERATIONS OF A COMPUTER                  2. DEFINATION, BLOCK DIAGRAM, LIMITATIONS                  3. HUMAN BEING VS COMPUTER                  4. APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTER IN DIFFERENT FIELDS                   5. MEMORY- RAM,ROM, CACHE MEMORY,FLASH MEMORY,MAGNETIC-                                                    TAPE,MAGNETIC DISK, OPTICAL DISK,CD,DVD.                   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Generations of the computer:- DEFINITION OF A COMPUTER:- A computer is an electronic machine that


ventional computers, translation of the program or the source code into object/machine code is done by various methods which include  assembler, compiler and interpreter.  Below are the underlying details of how they differ from one another.  What You Need To Know About Assembler An assembler is a program that takes basic computer instruction or instructions and then converts them into a pattern of bits that the computer processor can use to perform its basic operations. Usually, language used to program the assembler is referred to as  assembly language . Assembler converts source code to an object code first then it converts the object code to machine language with the help of the linker programs.                                           OR ASSEMBLER An assembler is a program that converts assembly language into machine code. It takes the basic commands and operations from assembly code and converts them into binary code that can be recognized by a specific type of processorcode. F


HELLO EVERYONE, WELCOME TO MY BLOG. TODAY I AM GOIN TO SHOW YOU SOME QUICK NOTES FOR YOUR VIVA,PRACTICALS AND EXAMS.                                                              TOPIC- MULTIPLEXER AND DEMULTIPLEXER     MULTIPLEXER-                                                                    INTRODUCTION                                                                A multiplexer, also known as a data selector, is a device that selects between several analog or digital input signals and forwards the selected input to a single output line. The selection is directed a separate set of digital inputs known as select lines.                                                              OR   A multiplexer is a circuit that accept many input but give only one output. The selection of  a particular input line is controlled by a set of selection lines. Generally, there are 2n input lines and 'n' selection lines wose bit combination determine, wic input is selected. A Block diagram


 Hello everyone,  WELCOME TO MY BLOG.  TODAY  I GOING TO SHOW YOU SOME QUICK NOTES FOR YOUR VIVA, PRACTICALS AND EXAMS ON THE TOPIC- ENCODER, DECODER. INTRODUCTION-  To perform any specific function that can be expressed by a Boolean expression, a combination of logic gates is called a combinational logic circuit. CLASSIFICATIONS OF CIRCUITS - (A) Combinational circuit (B) Sequential circuit ENCODERS- An encoder in digital electronics is a one-hot to binary converter. That is, if there are 2ⁿ input lines, and at most only one of them will ever be high, the binary code of this 'hot' line is produced on the n-bit output lines. Truth Table – As seen from the truth table, the output is 000 when D0 is active; 001 when D1 is active; 010 when D2 is active and so on. Implementation – From the truth table, the output line Z is active when the input octal digit is 1, 3, 5 or 7. Similarly, Y is 1 when input octal digit is 2, 3, 6 or 7 and X is 1 for input octal digits 4, 5, 6 or 7. Hence,