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DAA Practicals

LINEAR SEARCH:- ALGORITHM:-       STEP 1.  Begin STEP 2. set a[5] {10,20,30,40,50} STEP3. set i=0 STEP4. input searching item STEP5. repeat step 6 & 7 while i<5 STEP6. if a [i]=item then print item found and location=i & exit STEP 7. i=i+1 STEP8. if i>5  then print item not found STEP 9. EXIT CODE :-         #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() {     int a[5], i = 0, j, item;     clrscr();     printf("Enter array elements:\n");     for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {         scanf("%d", &a[j]);     }   printf("Enter item to search:\n");     scanf("%d", &item);      while (i < 5) {         if (a[i] == item) {             printf("Item found at location: %d\n", i);             break; // Added to exit the loop once the item is found         }         i++;     }   if (i == 5) {         printf("Item not found\n");     } getch(); } INSERTION IN ARRAY:- ALGORITHM:-       STEP 1. set j=n  STEP2.